Only Acting
People who only speak other people's lines.
Thespians, actors, players and performers who find it impossible to leave the stage.
Football (soccer) players attempting to dupe referees.
Politicians. Q: How can you tell if a politician is lying? A: His lips are moving. (old joke)
In order to fool all the people all the time, take professional acting lessons.
Never let people get to know the real you - they may not like it.
People who only speak other people's lines.
Thespians, actors, players and performers who find it impossible to leave the stage.
Football (soccer) players attempting to dupe referees.
Politicians. Q: How can you tell if a politician is lying? A: His lips are moving. (old joke)
In order to fool all the people all the time, take professional acting lessons.
Never let people get to know the real you - they may not like it.